Articles, Zines, and Comics


- The Polyamorous City

- Wealth Building in an Anarchist World

- What is Anarchy?

- Historic Preservation in an Anarchist World

- Planning Anarchy

- A poem about streets in anarchism

- Code of the Day #1

Other articles:
  - Lessons from the Mormons


(Imposed zines are for double sided printing on 8.5x11" and then to be folded in half; for them, right click and select “save as”.)

- Anarchist Urban Planning and Place Theory -- a debunking of contemporary place theory, showing how meaning and morality are created through physical design
  - in pdf for reading (non-imposed)
  - in pdf for printing (imposed)

- Anti-Mass: Methods of Organization for Collectives (imposed) a great pamphlet about organizing collectives

- Armed Joy (imposed) by Alfredo M. Bonnano, although it takes a violent insurrectional perspective not advocated on this site, its critique of capitalism and authority is simply amazing


- Arbitrary Zoning in Action


- Transition Towns -- A wonderful interview with Rob Hopkins carried on the radio show/podcast Unwelcome Guests
- The Freestore -- A great clip about freestores, broadcast on The Anarchist World this Week
- Frubble -- A great clip about frubble from Polyamory Weekly in an interview with Serena Anderlini-d’Onofrio
- Slow is Beautiful -- A very nice clip about slowing down how we live, broadcast on Deconstructing Dinner’s 100th episode
- The C Word -- Another great clip from The Anarchist World this Week